After spending several years searching for a non-wired organic cotton bra that comes in proper cup sizes, I have finally found one–and the crazy thing is that the company are based less than 10 miles from my home! In a moment of desperation, after numerous shopping trips, internet searches, Twitter-shout-outs and more, I searched the hashtag #organiccottonbra on Instagram. And there it was… Ella Bella Grey.
I ordered one straight away and as soon as it arrived, it was love at first sight. Beautifully presented in a cardboard box with tissue paper inside, the packaging is totally plastic-free. It fits like a glove. Smooth enough to wear under a thin T-shirt, but decorated with gorgeous geometric biodegradable ROICA™ lace. And it’s supportive without being restrictive.
The bad news is that the company are potentially relocating to the US, and so they are closing their website sales on 1st August. As soon as I found out, I ordered a second bra. And now I’m considering ordering a third! The good news is that they are offering a huge 50% discount, meaning that most of their bras are around £25.
I met up with the owner Elsa for a coffee and helped her to brainstorm possible UK stockists. If you have any ideas please drop me a message. And if you need a new bra, get over to Ella Bella Grey quicksmart and treat yourself!
Image reproduced courtesy of Ella Bella Grey.